We Can Help You Successfully File Bankruptcy

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  • 94% of Chapter 7 filers with attorneys discharge their debt
  • 97% of Chapter 13 filers with attorneys reduce their debt + keep their cars and homes

How This Service Benefits You

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It's Fast

A lawyer calls quickly to discuss your debt and possible next steps.

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It's Free

You pay $0 to find out if filing for bankruptcy’s right for you.

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It's Easy

We find the closest qualified lawyer who can help you right away.

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That's It!

You don’t have to hire the lawyer you speak with or declare bankruptcy.

Declaring Bankruptcy On Your Own Is Harder Than You Might Think

The most recent data from the largest U.S. bankruptcy court shows fewer than 2 in 5 people who file without lawyers are successful (37.5%). About the same number (36.3%) had their cases dismissed by a judge — meaning they reduced their total debt by $0 while incurring hundreds of dollars' worth of new paperwork, filing and court fees.

Bottom line: We can connect you with a local, experienced attorney who’ll charge as little as $0 down to help you make a fresh start by filing Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. You deserve a fresh start, so don’t delay – your new life is waiting!

Still Have Questions? Call us toll-free 24/7

Call 1-800-859-0844 Now